Resources for LEA

Three teachers and their students smiling in front a beautiful colorful wall mural.

Focus Area A

Vision & Coherence

Consistent messaging across systems will create trust and clarity for families. Guidance on age, admittance, programming and more must be accessible and clear.

Focus Area B

Community Engagement & Partnerships

Through collaboration between LEAs, FCCs, and CBOs, families will have access to and information about the early education that best suits their child’s needs.

A clean and empty classroom.

Focus Area C

UPK Workforce Recruitment & Professional Learning

By creating wage equity across the UPK system, skilled educators can be retained and recruited so that all levels of the early learning system feature high quality education.

Children watching their teacher draw on the whiteboard in a classroom.

Focus Area D

P-3 Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

To prevent disparities in quality of education, the UPK system must outline a comprehensive and consistent curriculum, instruction, and assessments across various program types.

Children doing arts and craft activity in a classroom with paint.

Focus Area E

Local Education Agency Facilities, Services & Operations

Elements of nutrition, transportation, and technology should be coordinated across the UPK system to ensure uniform quality.