Resources for Families

Early childhood experiences from birth to age 8 affect the development of the brain's architecture, which provides the foundation for all future learning, behavior, and health. Research shows that 90 percent of a child’s brain is formed by age 6. A strong foundation helps children develop the skills they need to become well-functioning adults. The experiences children have early in life play a crucial role in the development of their brains. When brain development in infants and young children is fully supported, they are more likely to reach milestones critical to future individual and community success. ECE is a worthy investment: experts have calculated that every dollar spent on early childhood education earns an average return of $4—and as much as $13 in the case of at-risk children.

For children to get an early education, they must be physically present in the care setting with the early educator. Reducing barriers to access will enable more children to get to the learning environment where they can benefit from early education.

Care options should be made available in a clear and accessible way. This means providing information in multiple languages and across various platforms. When families clearly understand the different features of their care options, they can make informed choices about what is best for their child.

Families have the right to choose their own child care options and can take legal action when licensing requirements have been breached.